Waste water application municipal

Waste water application municipal

Efficient wastewater treatment for municipal applications

Find out how our advanced wastewater filtration solutions help to improve wastewater quality in municipal wastewater treatment plants and provide process water.

Wastewater treatment plant effluent / process water

In many cases, the wastewater fulfils the requirements for direct discharge into the receiving water, but visible solids cloud the water and impair the quality. By using backwash filters type M1 and type FW or the sieve drum type RS in the pumping station, all visible solids can be removed, as well as up to 50% of all settleable substances.

Advantages and benefits:

  • Improvement of the discharge values: By reducing the AFS content, the COD and BOD values in the discharge to the receiving water are also improved.
  • Provision of process water: The purified water can be used as process water from the wastewater treatment plant effluent, which reduces drinking water consumption.
  • Reduction of solids: Filtering effectively removes solids prior to hygienisation.

Mechanical treatment:

We recommend the RotoSieve drum as an additional treatment stage in the inlet structure. This ensures reliable separation of solids such as Q-tips, which could otherwise pass through the system. A screw mechanism with a pressing and cutting device guides the solids out of the drum and into a container.

Use in secondary clarification:

The water from the secondary clarifier is often used as process water for cleaning system components. Filtration to approx. 100 - 300 µm is recommended to protect nozzles, valves and fittings.

The advantages of our GEFA filter:

  • Fully automatic function and compact design
  • Easy installation and maintenance
  • Efficient filtration with variable sieve elements
  • Patented suction-pressure cleaning for optimum cleaning
  • Low energy consumption and low operating costs

Opt for our proven filter solutions and benefit from reliable and effective wastewater treatment in municipal applications. Contact us today for more information and personalised advice.

GEFA Backwash Filter FW

FW-Rückspülfilter Produktinformation

GEFA Backwash Filter M1

M100-Rückspülfilter Produktinformation

GEFA Drum Screen RS

RS-Siebtrommel Produktinformation